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DPTE FT UNY and PT LG Electronics Indonesia Inaugurate Training Center for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

The Department of Electrical Engineering Education (DPTE) of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) has established a strategic partnership with PT LG Electronics Indonesia. This collaboration was marked by the inauguration of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System Training Center, which took place on Thursday (11/28) in the DPTE FT UNY environment.
The inauguration of this training center is part of an effort to improve the quality of education while bringing students closer to the industrial world. The training center will function as a training center for students, educators and technicians to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of cooling and air conditioning systems.
The Training Center or Cooling System Training Center was inaugurated directly by the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Resources of Yogyakarta State University Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd and Air Solution Product Director of PT LG Electronics Mr. Kim Joo Hoon. The inauguration was also attended by the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S.TP., M.Sc., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FT UNY, Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Widodo, ST.,M.T. ASEAN Eng. IPM, Vice Dean for Planning, Finance, General Affairs, and Resources FT UNY, Dr. Ilmawan Mustaqim, S.Pd.T., M.T., Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business FT UNY, Dr. Drs. Totok Heru Tri Maryadi, M.Pd., Chairperson of DPTE FT UNY, Dr. phil. Nurhening Yuniarti, S.Pd., M.T. and all academicians of DPTE FT UNY.
On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd. expressed his gratitude to PT LG Electronics Indonesia for the cooperation that has been established. He hopes that this collaboration can continue to develop through various activities, such as education, training, community service, and research that utilize the training center that has been built.
Meanwhile, Mr. Kim Joo Hoon expressed his happiness at the inauguration of this Training Center. "I am pleased to be able to work with UNY and hopefully this training center can be useful," he said.
The inauguration ceremony began with a ribbon cutting by Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd., and Mr. Kim Joo Hoon as an official symbol of the opening of this new facility. Continued with a review and demonstration of modern equipment available at the Training Center. The equipment is supported by the latest technology from PT LG Electronics Indonesia and is designed to support students' practical learning in the field of cooling and air conditioning systems.
In addition, the delegation of PT LG Electronics accompanied by all UNY leaders visited various laboratories in DPTE FT UNY. This visit aims to introduce the facilities and research potential owned by UNY as a strategic partner in the development of education and technology.
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