Graduate Profiles

Competence of Graduates

 Educational Competencies:

  1. Plan the implementation of technology and vocational education both formal and informal.
  2. Manage the organization of education and training in vocational education in schools and in industry.
  3. Carry out teaching education and training in vocational education in schools and in industry.
  4. Evaluating the organization of teaching education and training in vocational education in schools and in industry.
  5. Manage education and training based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Non-Educational Competencies (Engineering):

  1. Plan tender documents for the work of controlling the automation of product machines and installing them.
  2. Select materials and equipment specifically needed to carry out the installation of control automation in the industry or its electricity.
  3. Designing automatic control circuits on industrial production process machines or electrical installations.
  4. Installing installation and automatic control on industrial production process machines.
  5. Operate electrical equipment and industrial control.
  6. Developing the performance of automatic control systems or electrical systems has become more efficient in the Information and Communication Technology-based industry.
  7. Perform maintenance and repair of installations and automatic control systems or electrical systems.
  8. Coordinate work on electricity and industrial projects.