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The MAVIS Mk.I team representing the Robotics team of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) from the Technology Engineering UKM won 1st place in the Fun Race in the Autonomus Surface Vehicle (ASV) Category and 3rd Place for the Prototype Performance of the Autonomus Surface Vehicle (ASV) Ship in the National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN) 2020 in Malang (5-8 / 11/2020). This event organized by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
The MAVIS Mk1 team consisted of Yusuf Pradityarahman, Fariz Al Mustaqim, Neil Armstrong, Evan Rega Mahendra, Malaindo Lexy Noer Tazuddin, Bagas Dimas Wisnusuasono, Tiara Wahyu Nengsi, Larrisa Jestha Mahardhika, Safitri Jualiarti, Muh. Heriyanto, and Zulio Rama Putra under the supervision from Herlambang Sigit Pramono, M.Cs.
Yusuf Pradityarahman, one of the team members, told that the team's preparation for participating in the 2020 KKCTBN started from October 2020 until the final in November 2020. "After, we were declared to have passed the top 5 in the ASV category then our team, MAVIS Mk.I, left for Univesitas. Muhammadiyah Malang.
"Before the competition, an inspection test was carried out on the weight of the ship, quality control, battery capacity, maximum motor power, and the use of sensors," recalled Yusuf.
"Then the MAVIS Mk.I ship was quarantined and the participants occupied the waiting seats for the launch which will be called by the committee according to the serial number that has been previously determined. MAVIS Mk.I won first place and was accompanied by LO to participate in the competition, "explained Yusuf.
"Our ship can pass the track with a record time of 23.5 seconds," he said.
The MAVIS Mk.I team, which was the only representative from DI Yogyakarta who passed the top 5, was finally ordained as 1st Winner of the Fun Race in the Autonomus Surface Vehicle (ASV) Category and 3rd Place in the Performance of the Autonomus Surface Vehicle (ASV) Prototype Ship.
Meanwhile, Herlambang Sigit Pramono, M.Cs. as the supervisor said that the participation of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) in the National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN) was a form of activity and in order to present a competitive climate for students. "The competition has proven to be a means of applying the knowledge that has been learned and sharpening students' insights and creativity," concluded Herlambang.
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