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Work Interview Briefing
Briefing on job interviews was given to students of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education through activities organized by the Electrical Student Association by bringing in the resource person Dr. Nurul Hidayah, M.Sc., Psi and Drs. Abdul Haris M.Pd. Mrs. Dr. Nurul Hidayah gave a briefing about the preparation of the Psychological Test in preparation for the entry into the workforce. He said that psychological tests, especially psychological tests can be prepared starting from the beginning of college. The results of the psychological test can be said to be the habits of measured people. Therefore, psychological test can be trained and honed with a certain time span.
The second speaker, Mr. Abdul Haris said that to get a desire or position in the world of work requires "Action". This means prospective applicants for a job must have a strong business to get the desired position. Not only does one have the desire, but if only he wants, almost all job applicants want to occupy the intended position.
Success in entering work one of them succeeded through the stages of a job interview. The key to a successful job interview is that they must know the cause of the failure of the job interview. The reasons for failure of job interviews include not making eye contact, failing to describe the job being applied for, showing off too much ability, not asking questions when given the opportunity, not knowing about the company, and not smiling during interviews. Therefore, identify yourself in preparation for a job interview.
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Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Education
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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