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Introduction of PLC in the face of the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
The Electrical Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (HME FT UNY) organizes an annual agenda namely the Electrical Workshop which is divided into two competencies, namely in the fields of electro and mechatronics. Garin Alkautsar, the chair of HME FT UNY said that the theme raised was "Be Sooner Be Smarter". The activities which are aimed at increasing academic achievement will be held for three weeks, namely, 31 March, 7 April, and 21 April 2018.
The purpose of the workshop is to improve the competency of students of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education by providing material and direct practice in the laboratory using the trainer module. The competency in question is the skill of a student shown by his ability to consistently provide an adequate level of performance.
The Electrical Workshop is divided into two materials, namely the Electrical Installation Workshop and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Workshop. The Electrical Installation Workshop was held on March 31, 2018 with the title "Electricity Installation and Energy Audit & Basic Motorbike Control Practices with Magnetic Controllers" delivered by Alex Sandria J. W., M. Eng. The workshop that was held at the Electrical Installation Laboratory got full enthusiasm from the participants who were students in the Department of Electrical Engineering Education.
Meanwhile, the delivery of material and practice directly using a PLC was given directly by Andik Asmara, M.Pd. with the title material "Introduction of PLC to Face the Era of the Indonesian Revolution 4.0". Material High interest in learning competency skills in the PLC field is highly relevant to the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 where all work is carried out in automation.
This activity is expected to be able to equip students in taking the next semester lectures so as to be able to boost academic achievement and hone the competency skills inherent in a student.
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Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Education
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Address: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone : (+62274) 586168 ext. 293, Fax : (+62274) 586734
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