Submitted by adm1n on Wed, 2017-07-26 09:11
Indonesia is always fragrant by the work of its young children. Rosemery is the work of young people of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) who competed in national competitions. Rosemery won the title of "First Winner" (Champion 1) Indonesian Dance Robot Robot Contest (KRSTI) which was held on July 8-9, 2017. This contest is a prestigious competition organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. This year the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) as the host welcomed 93 robots from various universities in Indonesia. Rosemery UNY won first place after competing with 15 other robots from other universities for the KRSTI division. The UNY Robot Team mostly consists of students from the Department of Electrical Engineering FT UNY.
According to Yunus Karsiana (Mechatronics Engineering Pend 2014) Coordinator of the ABU Indonesian Robot Contest Team (KRAI) said "Every year the theme of KRAI is different, the most difficult obstacle is having to make a robot from scratch every year, starting from building robot mechanical construction, a series of electronic robots and robot programs, after that we have to increase our training because with practice we will find out whether or not the robot mechanics are error, electronic robots or robot programs, while the time for training can only be done at night, and even then we are still working on college assignments. can divide time and maintain team cohesiveness ".
A similar opinion was expressed by Thoha Ardiansyah (Pend. Electronics Engineering 2014) who is the Coordinator of the Indonesian Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI) Wheeled Division, "The Wheeled Indonesian Soccer Robot Contest is a new division at KRI 2017 which is the development of the Fire Extinguisher Robot Contest division. Indonesia has wheels, so we have to start research from the beginning, from design, selection of materials to testing.Our constraints that we experienced during the research were to find the configuration of the camera sensor position and Mapping the field area that requires components from abroad in order to find the ball well and efficient, because it greatly influences our robot's strategy of attacking and defending. "
As for the Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) Humanoid Division - Haris Imam Fathurrahman Karim (Pend. Mechatronics Engineering 2014) as the coordinator said "For 2017, the rules of the KRSBI humanoid undergo drastic changes related to visualiation. The change in the ball from orange to orange. white gave its own challenges in this year's research team. The obstacle of finding an appropriate and dynamic visualization with changes in the field became a serious concern for the team. With this year's visualization research, it is hoped that next year will be appropriate and can be applied and developed again ".
Unlike the Indonesian Fire Extinguisher Robot Contest (KRPAI) Legged Division led by Hendi Suprihono (Pend. Electronics Engineering 2015) "the obstacles we experienced were the creation of algorithms, robust robot construction and sensor placement in order to obtain good data, due to the determination of track configurations randomly so as to get as few points as possible, the algorithm used must be effective and efficient. In addition, environmental and track factors also greatly affect the sensor data that we use and some of the technochogy we use is still lagging behind some of the opposing universities ".
A different challenge was also experienced by the Indonesian Dance Robot Robot Contest Team (KRSTI) - Vando Gusti Alhakim (Pend. Mechatronics Engineering 2014) as the coordinator stated "Technically, an obstacle that we often encounter is the difficulty of balancing a maneuver, given the condition of the hardware (especially hardware conditions robot compilers) that are no longer prime because they have been in use for a number of years. " Rosemery is a beautiful robot. Rosemery are two customary robots dressed in gold beads and beautiful faces. These two robots danced the traditional dance of Gending Sriwijaya in a compact and elegant manner. The movements of her hands and fingers are like a dancing princess. Rosemery also played the yellow shawl when showing the ability of her dance to the jury and the audience. This dance is also captivating with the accompaniment of Gending Sriwijaya music. Looks the hard workers behind the Rosemery championship, they are a solid team. Furthermore, after it was announced who won, Vando said, "I didn't expect to get first place because the other teams were great. Even in the preliminary round to the semi-finals we encountered obstacles. Alhamdulillah after the swift teamwork, Rosemery appeared excellent. Really makes heart gymnastics, "Vando told us. Seeing the contest which lasted 2 days made it clear that technological developments continue to increase. Hopefully technology will continue to raise Indonesia's name in the world glass. (red)